Parents Council

St. Annes Secondary school‘The parents’ association in a school works with the principal, staff and board of management to build effective cooperation and partnership between home and school’. Education Act 1998

The parents’ Council is made up of parents and the Principal and his/her representative.  A parents’ representative of the Board of management may also attend.  The Parents’ Council meet regularly and aim to act as a link between the home and school.  St. Anne’s Secondary school is very lucky to have a vibrant and hard working Parents’ Council.

The Parents’ Council:

  • Is consulted by the school about policy development and policy review
  • Assists in the organisation of the Book Rental Scheme
  • Organises fund raising events during the year which aim to support the book rental scheme and school activities
  • Assists in the catering during school events

An AGM is held at the beginning of every school year.

If you would like to get more involved in your daughter’s education and meet other parents please come to the AGM in September and perhaps consider joining the Parents’ Council or offer assistance at events during the school year.