Students in our school benefit from a model that is based on responding to the student’s individual needs. This is very much in keeping with the CEIST charter in ‘showing respect for every person’.
The Learning Support Department provides a variety of educational support to students ranging from short term interventions to longer ongoing learning support. This has both enormous positive effects for the student and a subsequent positive effect on the teaching/learning environment within the whole school community.
It is our aim in St. Anne’s to encourage every student to achieve her full potential.
With this aim in mind St. Anne’s Secondary School strives to:
- Ensure that students with special educational needs are identified and provided for in a fair and equitable manner so that their learning potential and their sense of self worth and dignity is developed and respected.
- Provide a level and quality of education appropriate to the needs and abilities of all students in the school.
- Affirm that students with special educational needs have the same right to avail of and benefit from education as students who do not have those needs.
- Ensure that students with special educational needs are offered a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum and that they are provided for in an inclusive way.
- Develop staff expertise in supporting students with special educational needs.
- Encourage and foster positive partnerships with parents, in order to achieve appropriate support at home.
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of practice in support of students with special education needs
Click the link below to access our Padlet on Additional Education Needs. This is full of information that will help both parents and students.